Insects & Disease
protect your trees
Insects & Diseases
Trees are an important part of our communities. Not only do they provide shade in the summer and protection from the wind in the winter, but they are a key component in the character and value of a neighborhood. Just like people and pets, trees have health issues that require the attention and expertise of professionals to allow them to live to their full potential and provide the maximum amount of benefits.

Tree Healthcare
While there are many health issues trees can struggle with, below are some of the most common in the Eastern Pennsylvania region. While these issues can seriously weaken a tree and, in many cases, lead to an early death, they are also issues that are able to be managed under the proper care. Allow the experts from Strunk Tree Service to educate your community on the risks to your trees, as well as what steps should be taken to keep your trees as healthy as possible.
Watch out for:
Spotted Lantern Fly
The Spotted Lanternfly, native to Southeast Asia, is an invasive species here in the United States where it is has become a growing problem amongst Northeastern states. This is especially true in Pennsylvania where 13 counties are under quarantine. Matured Spotted Lanternflies are recognizable by their vibrant red wing pads with black spots. In their younger forms, Spotted Lanternflies are typically black with white spots. These invasive pests can be detrimental to the health of trees, as well as other plants, particularly during heavy infestations.
Hemlock Wooly Adelgid
Symptoms include needle yellowing and needle drop, followed by drying on the branches and a thinning crown. Limb dieback will occur within two years of infestation on younger trees. Decline and death of a tree can occur over a period of 4-10 years in Pennsylvania.
Gypsy Moth
Heavy pressure from gypsy moth has the potential to cause mortalities on shade trees especially in stressful urban sites. Healthy trees can tolerate a single defoliation event; however, multiple defoliation events can cause dieback and decline even on healthy trees. Mortalities on stressed trees can occur after a single defoliation event.
Emerald Ash Borer
Symptoms of an early infestation may be difficult to diagnose. Be on the lookout for multiple declining ash in a given area and D-shaped exit holes. As an infestation progresses, small vertical splits in the bark can be seen on twigs or the main trunk and woodpecker holes may be present on trees. Trees may die after 2-4 years or less.
Cooley Spruce Gall Adelgid
On spruces, pineapple-like formations (galls) are present on the tips of new growth. Galls turn brown during the summer months Cooley spruce gall adelgid can be tough to manage. Once the galls begin to form, management becomes more difficult as the insects are protected within galls.